
Texas Jai-alai

Texas is the second state in the U.S. to host a Jai-alai fronton after Florida. The Lone Star State constructed a fronton for the world's fastest ballgame with a capacity for 12,000 spectators. It will serve to reactivate this Basque sport in Texas, and is seen to employ about 45 pelotaris. Texas Jai-alai opened in 2009.

Located just north of the city of Dallas in the Plano area, the fronton is located near a commercial complex that helps attendance in Texas Jai-alai.

The Commercial complex also features restaurants, a cafeteria and day-care center. Texas Jai-alai has a capacity of 12,000 spectators and its court complies with the traditional frontons of Cesta Punta.

Texas Jai-alai is also features luxury suites, gift shops, a VIP Section and concession areas. Texas Jai-alai also plans to offer free Jai-alai lessons to kids with the hope of grooming future professional players.

Texas Jai-alai plans to be open to the public 11 months in a year, with 12 game performances Tuesday to Saturday.

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